Sunday, April 13, 2014

Sometimes goals don't go as planned

It is April. I have not posted since September, so as goals go, blogging this year was not a huge success.  However it has been on my mind a lot lately, and like most goals it is about creating new habits.  Perhaps I should set a blog alarm and post when that timer dings.  Perhaps over the summer I will do some much needed research and develop a greater purpose for this blog.

The best part about goals...they can be re-evaluated.
While I was unable to make a habit of posting regularly for most of this school year, I still have about 6 weeks to try and develop a blogging system.  A goal is best met when clear guidelines are established for how one plans to meet their target, and I did not do that in September.  Today, April 13th, I will set up a set of guidelines.

1. Post weekly.  The post doesn't have to be long.  But I will make a goal to blog everyweek.
2. Share the link to my blog on Facebook, Twitter and my teacher webpage.  It will probably be very motivational if I can actually get someone to view my blog.
3. Figure out how to make my blog improve my classroom.  Maybe I can use this blog to communicate with students and parents.  How can this help me be a better teacher?

These guidelines will hopefully help me develop the blogging habit.

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